Thursday, June 12, 2014

Adventures With Blue Eyes White Dragon

Adventures With Blue Eyes White Dragon

In the beginning. When I was a kid I can recall spending several hours a week engaged in mortal combat at the dinner table. No, I was not wrestling my younger brothers for the last roll, although a few times that battle has also been a main stay at the Little family table. I was playing Magic the Gathering. At the time it was a hot new collectibles card game that had just hit the scene. I was always an advocate of Dungeons and Dragons and the idea of bringing that fantasy and excitement to the table in the form of a highly attractive card game was just to much for this knight in shining Kiss t shirts to resist. I was hooked.

Of course over the years I kind of grew away from the magical world of card games and lost interest in the world of Magic the Gathering. Sure, I checked in from time to time and even made an appearance or two at what is often called unlimited tournaments. That meant I could play any cards from any set and since my cards were all over a decade old it meant I had cards most of the younger players had not seen before.

Moving On NowRecently the library I run started doing Yu Gi Oh card tournaments. It is a collectable card game not to much unlike magic with a few different rules and a plethora of crazy options to eliminate the opponent. I can't sit here and lie to you and even if I could I would feel some level of guilt so I will just come clean.

I was a huge fan of the Yu Gi Oh TV series and still am an avid watcher today. I usually just set back and watched the games unfold as winners were crowned and losers retreated to the corner to make adjustments to their decks that would surely put them in a winners bracket the next time a duel should commence.

I have seen young and old alike shed hundreds of dollars on this game to secure the right cards to beef their deck up to the point were they had the highest chance of dominating the opponents. It was great fun but than came the day of dread. My girlfriend's son began to play the game.

Put Me In YugiNow I had no choice I had to learn this epic game. It took a few weeks for my old brain to ingest the new rules and try to differentiate this game from the early days of my Magic the gathering playing. I intently started looking for mana cards so I could summon more baddies to the fray just to learn that was not how it worked at all. However will I get this damned dragon on the field to stomp the hell out of that goblin I thought.

Within minutes I was tributing one monster to summon another and within days I had developed the ability that made me so lethal as a Magic player. That ability was the ability to build a deck using cards most people overlooked. I had to see if I could be as effective with this game so I invested 10 bucks into what is referred to as a structure deck.

This is a deck with a theme and a few built in tricks. I had to go all out so I chose the Saga of The Blue Eyes White Dragon deck. The character was such a part of my TV series fandom I could not resist.

I had always been a Blue Eyes fan so it only figures I would grab this deck from the tons of choices.

Playing The DeckI was hooked but I felt this deck had a lot to offer that was just not there with the basic set up. I had to find a few other ways to really pump this deck to where it became a better machine of dominance. Let me first explain a different aspect of Yu Gi Oh not present in Magic. The side deck. This is a series of up to 15 cards that you can call on under special conditions. Some you just tribute certain level cards while others require specific cards to bring into the battle.

For my side deck the deck came with Azure Eyes Silver Dragon. Not a shabby card, especially when it gives you and amazing combo with Maiden With Eyes of Blue to pull out Blue Eyes White Dragon and than syncro summon (one of the cool ways to access the side deck) Azure Eyes.

This is cool but I knew I needed few more cards in the side deck to really make it powerful. I knew I wanted to get Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon so I had to add two more Blue Eyes to my deck. (you can use 3 Blue Eyes to summon ultimate)

Being an avid and curious watcher of the crew who play at the library I noticed they all had one card. Stardust Dragon so I tossed that bad boy into the side deck. I then added the XYZ card (another cool side deck summon) Hieratic Sun Dragon Overlord of Heliopolis. This little devil allowed me to sacrifice a number of cards on my side of the playing field to eliminate an equal number on the opponent's side. How cool is that?

Last but surely not least I added a 5 Headed Dragon. This card takes 5 dragons to summon which makes it damned near impossible to get out by itself but I have a few tricks to accomplish that

The DeckMy main deck needed a few adjustments as well. I already mentioned I added 2 Blue Eyes White Dragons to bring my total to three. I added a couple of Raigeki Breaks to my trap card arsenal. These allow me to discard a card to the graveyard and destroy a card on the other players side. Sounds rough but when you use cards like silver's cry and call of the haunted to bring them back you really are not losing anything.

I also added a Starlight Road card so I could pull my Stardust Dragon out a little easier. Along with that I used a DNA Surgery which allows me to declare all cards on the field to be a certain type. I simply call dragon ans wham easy fodder for Mr. Five Head. Last I added 2 Dragon's Mirror cards. these are awesome as they allow me to use cards in my hand, on the field or even in the graveyard as fusion material. Basically I can summon 5 headed dragon as long as there are 5 dragon cards among those three places.

Work In Progress

I am still tinkering and adding and taking away cards as I find better ones to use. Right now the deck has won me a great deal of games and only one loss. I saw that the real trick is getting blues eyes out early, using the dragons to pull out 5 head and then using cards like Maiden and call of the haunted to pull Blue back into the game.

I have managed a few serious damage moments that have killed opponents with one hit.

Sadly I have also noticed I come dangerously close to dying myself while trying to run off my heavy hit offense. The deck is still a work in progress and I will most likely build it for months before I am ever really truly happy with it and what it can do. That is the nature of the beast I guess. The moment we think we have perfection in a deck we soon find we are way off.

In ClosingI have become rather fond of this game and truth be told enjoy playing with my girlfriend and her son. He runs a dinosaur deck and she is the queen of the sea emperor deck while I still focus on arranging and rearranging my Blue Eyes deck. Who knows where it will go but I have learned a serious and valuable lesson through my journey with Mr. Yugi. This card game spans generations of ages and races. It brings together young and old and despite the competition and duels for prizes people seem better because of the game, at least for the most part. There are the occasional know it all jerks who swear every game they lost was rigged and profess how they are the best in the land but than fail to show at games to prove it.

The game has it's share of people who are jerks about it but than there are also those colorful characters who really made the game fun to watch. For me I see my friends play and they are all so happy regardless of win or loss. I have met some wonderful people as a result of this game and hope to continue to do so. Hell, I even found a cousin of mine because he came to duel in the tournament we hosted at the library.

I encourage people to test the waters on this game. I will leave a link so you may purchase a deck for yourself and begin a journey I promise you will not forget. Until we meet again, game on!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Fantasy Flight Games releases Star Wars RPG playtest rules

Fantasy Flight Games releases Star Wars RPG playtest rules

Star Wars was first introduced to the table top roleplaying market in 1987 by West End Games. The game used the D6 System which was originally developed for the Ghostbusters Roleplaying Game and needless to say it was immensely popular. It won an Origins awards that year for Best Roleplaying Rules. This was followed by a steady stream of game supplements, setting books, adventures and new editions in 1992 and 1996.

Then tragedy struck in 1998, West End Games declared bankruptcy and the company lost the license to produce Star Wars products. Stars Wars, as a roleplaying game, lingered in limbo until it was picked up by Wizards of the Coast just time to release its first edition for the premiere of The Phantom Menace in theaters. This new version of the game used the d20 system. In 2007 WOTC released the Saga Edition of the game which revised the rules and put greater focus on miniatures game play (a precursor to Dungeons Dragons 4th Edition). Then in 2010 the company decided not to renew its license with Lucasfilm Ltd.

Fantasy Flight Games announced in 2011 they would be producing the X Wing miniatures game as well as a card game for Star Wars. Although there were rumors that FFG was also working on a roleplaying game it was not until GenCon 2012 that the game was revealed.

Edge of the Empire focuses on a narrative style of play where the story is the focus. Miniatures and battle maps are not part of FFG's vision of the game which may please some players while disappointing others.

The game uses a unique dice pool mechanic to determine success or failure. Players build dice pools based on beneficial elements, detrimental elements and a Force die. Traditional dice are not used in this dice pool. Each die use symbols from the Star Wars universe and interact with each other in interesting ways. Eventually we may see these unique dice manufactured but for now FFG has provided a sheet of stickers to convert traditional dice.

Feedback for the playtest can be submitted through FFG's website or via email. This is the next generation of the Star Wars Roleplaying Game and with our help FFG can make it the best possible game it can be.

Villains And Vigilantes Characters

Villains And Vigilantes Characters

Disposable Villains: V Characters: Character Templates: Crossover Characters. Features adventure stubs, new characters, and new powers. The entire They Might Be Characters series is built on

V characters, so be sure to check that out. And so Eclipse Comics published a four issue mini series under the title Villains and Vigilantes. Villains and Vigilantes is a (somewhat) dated, and

First, the characters were based on the players themselves, modified with. Villains and Vigilantes Character Record Sheet IDENTITY: SIDE: AGE: NAME: SEX: EXPERIENCE: LEVEL: POWERS: TRAINING:.

Villains and vigilantes card game

In the Villains and Vigilantes Card Game players take on the roles of the supervillains. In the Villains and Vigilantes Card Game players take on the roles of the supervillains. Description:

Manta Man fights for justice in the air, under the seas, and on the land. facility that was holding the sinister android known to the world as the

Mocker. Imagine a card game that offers fast, fun superhero and supervillain action. Three solo adventures for Villains and Vigilantes, the Original Super Hero Role Play.

If that name sounds familiar, it's because V was a semi popular role playing game about. Imagine a card game that offers fast, fun superhero and supervillain action. In 1979, JEFF DEE and JACK

HERMAN created the original VILLAINS AND VIGILANTES TM, the game that brought classic comic book style. He leads the Crusaders, a group of costumed adventurers whose heroic exploits. Villains and

Vigilantes Fantasy Games Unlimited RPG Game publisher and shopping site. Publishers of the Villains And Vigilantes and Living Legends superhero RPGs. As you all know, we are in the midst of a legal

dispute over the publishing rights and trademark to the Revised Villains and Vigilantes superhero role playing game. This summer we'll see a new superhero card game "Villains Vigilantes".

ICv2 The Villains Vigilantes Card Game is due out this summer.

VILLAINS AND VIGILANTES?, LIVING LEGENDS?, INFINITY LOUNGE? and FOE FILE? are. This forum started off by fans for fans for the discussion of a game.

House Rules and Character Conversions for the Villains Vigilantes Role Playing Game. The purpose of this mailing list is the discussion of the Villains Vigilantes roleplaying game. In the

name of good superheroes everywhere, I will right wrongs and give that bad man such a headache with my singing of The Theme From Villains And Vigilantes Good Vs.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

What to Look for When Buying Digital Compact Cameras for Travel

What to Look for When Buying Digital Compact Cameras for Travel

What I enjoy most when traveling is seeing new places and taking pictures of what I am seeing. I have a nice digital SLR (Single Lens Reflex) camera but I find that sometimes it is just too bulky when I am traveling. Might it be that there just is not enough room in my carry on luggage for a larger camera bag, and dare I check it hoping that it will still be in my bag when I retrieve them from the luggage carousal? And not broken t either! This is one reason that I like nice compact digital cameras as they lend well to traveling, and some are small enough to fit inside your shirt pocket. What I found when examining the options is that the compact digital cameras are not just for amateurs, but rather that they are sophisticated enough for even the pros to use.

The best digital cameras are going to offer a number of specifications:

With this article I am providing a chart of the specifications of the cameras that I think are the "Best Digital Cameras for Traveling!" Fortunately the compact digital cameras are relatively small units. I did find that the "X" has the overall smallest size and weight.

Next you will want to examine options like ISO settings and scene modes. This is important when you are in especially low or bright areas. You may want to dial back the sunshine some or you might need to adjust for the low lighting by overriding the automatic setting so that you can capture the scene.

Most but not all cameras offer movie mode, and this is a nice feature to have when you want to capture just a few minutes of live action and you do not want to have to bring along your digital cam recorder. What you will want to look for is how long you can actually capture live video as well as the number of fps. FPS indicates the quality of the video. Anything above 26 fps will b adequate.

Does the camera have a zoom lens? They all do to some extent, but now the question is what type of zoom is offered? Is it digital zoom compared to an optical zoom? Optical zoom will allow you to get close to the action and digital zoom will allow some manipulation of the picture that you are taking. The best is a combination of both. Look for a optical zoom greater than 3, usually 4 times is best. Then look at the total zoom option, most are a 1:2 ratio, where you have a optical zoom of 4 times and a combines zoom of 8 times. This indicates that the photo taken will provide sufficient digital detail in case you want to enlarge the print to an 8x10 or 12x16.

Battery life will make or break which cameras would be considered a "Best Digital Camera for Travel" As you do not want to find yourself running out of batteries just when you are arriving at that final location on your tour that you have been waiting all day to obtain a picture of you next to the tower, painting, landmark, etc.

Another area that you need to take into consideration is how the camera feels in your hand as the better the fit the "better" that camera is for you, thus making it the "Best Compact Digital Camera for Traveling" to meet your needs. I have a larger hand so I tend to gravitate towards cameras that have some contour in the body that helps me to grip the camera firmly. If I have a firm grip on the camera I find that I tend to have a steadier hand when taking photos and this leads to getting the photo that I want and that makes for an overall better experience.

This is not a complete list of available cameras, but these cameras were all on the smaller size format that will fit into your pocket or purse well. They all offer both still and video image, even though I was not able to gather all the specs for every camera.

Please review GRID that shows the features of the Digital Cameras best suited for Travel

Published by Timothy Knuth

Network Virtual Support, originally Tim Knuth's Computer Services, began when I was a freshman in college. People that I knew kept me busy by requesting my services to help them with their computer needs:. View profile

Kodak EasyShare C300 Digital Camera ReviewThis is a great digital camera to start off with or to give to kids.5 Best Digital Cameras for TravelingIf you are traveling, you need a digital camera that is both portable and shoots great quality photos.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Articles by Tom Lopez on ArticleSnatch

Articles by Tom Lopez on ArticleSnatch

Below are the most recent articles from Tom Lopez. For more of articles by Tom Lopez please use the link above. No marriage party or event is complete without the use of digital cameras besides hiring of professional photographers to shoot the occasion and get photographs clicked. Today's digital cameras are available in a number of variants and models under different brands in equally differing prices. And the best digital camera is one that is affordable as well as that which comes incorporated with all latest features.

Having a pictorial tour of your photo albums or photos stored in your computer brings an undefined smile in your lips and you reminisce in your past, recollecting those joyous moments. This is made possible by a camera. When cameras were first introduced, the devices were not as advanced as those available in the market today. A film had to be fed in facilitating the clicking or capturing of 30 35 images. Once the film was full, it had to be taken out and if the photo clicking occasion wasn't complete, another film had to be fed in. To get the images developed took some time, which were done at photo developing labs. He has written many articles on Discount Shopping like Best Digital Camera and other household appliances.

Wed, 21 Apr 2010 01:52:55 0400The current trend of wearing jewellery itemsGone are the days when femininity splendor got enhanced with the sporting of heavy jewellery, especially of gold. And the collection included heavy bangles, chains, exclusive earrings, etc. Today, you can get the same heavy variety in the aforementioned jewellery categories in prices ten times or twenty times cheaper than gold. And the thousands of varieties available will just let you stare in awe and appreciation. And every item is unique in terms of designs.

Astrology is one field that has maintained its own stature since time immemorial. Astrological predictions are also associated with the preventive measures against debilitated stars in a horoscope. And gemstones are prescribed as one of the best solutions. For example, for a weak mercury in the horoscope, emeralds are prescribed; for sun, it is a ruby; for moon, it is a pearl or moonstone; and the list goes on. And most people of both sexes prefer wearing them studded in pendants or rings. Gemstone jewellery has thus gained immense popularity. You will find gemstone jewellery in the form of necklaces including complete sets, which you can wear on important occasions like marriage, anniversaries, and the like. He has written many articles on Online Shops like Fashion Jewellery and other household appliances.

Tue, 20 Apr 2010 01:42:47 0400Discount offers in laptops at online storesStaying in touch with families, friends, and business associates is possible with laptops even while on the move, facilitated by an Internet connection. So, if you are going away for a weekend break, you can stay updated no matter where you are. And the pleasure and effort of vacationing is further rewarded because laptops with Internet connection allow you to have access to information about tourist attractions, shopping centres, local attractions, etc. of the place of holidaying. The wonders of laptops are beyond measure.

Laptops require negligible maintenance provided you use an anti virus software and scan your system often. Do not store unused files and do not download malware or virus laden files. Many a time, automatic warning pop ups notify you in such a case before the downloading process. Use a padded laptop bag if you are carrying it out for a long time, at the same time ensuring that the adaptor and other bits and pieces are accommodated separately in the bag. This way you can keep your laptop free from scratches or dents.

When you buy a laptop, consider your requirements first, what all tasks you will be carrying out in it. He has written many articles on Online Shopping like Laptops and other household appliances.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Hold onto your dream

Hold onto your dream

It's exercise and fresh air to begin the weeks. But, get ready to blow the cork with a in your byline on wednesdays. Anything from diet to family concerns will come up for a reconfigure or a cyclical end. Take a chance on something or someone new. You may renegotiate a deal. The midweek's busy though you might have to work at not going in too many different directions at once, especially if you're driving. It's a good time for a little fantasy. A venture or a project may suffer delay or diversion. There may be something of a clash of cultures. It'll be steamy on the weekend in Castle Crib. Watch that you don tread on toes by being too sharp or pushy.

What would happen to us if we really fell in love

Sweep your loved one away with a romantic adventure as the weeks begin. That's the way to start these weeks. Organize a budget and stick to it. The mood bursts with wednesday's sunrise. You may look at a far horizon and wonder how to get there. You may be inspired by a creative project or a new activity. Don't wave the plastic in an effort to make problems disappear as you'll only create more. This will put pressure on so cope as best you can. There's a surge of emotion at friday's sunset as you and your loved one explore the delights of domestic bliss.

Can lead to many sensual days and nights

After that, you'll feel the urge to step into the big wide world and play. It's restless after the midweek. Watch the Sun that comes up on saturdays. Be creative. You'll find one.

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Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Best digital camera under 300

Best digital camera under 300

This is due to the E 5 functions an 11 point Higher finely detailed Fully Twin Frustrated AF system, among the list of most effective and most adequate autofocus system on the globe. This provides that camera a good all round performance, and is a critical rival for almost any APS C DSLR?????? currently on the market, and probably the preferred camera by Olympus now.

This is one of the most lightweight cams available on the market now; 5. 6 back button 4. 6 x two. 9 inches and weighing only one. 8 pounds, that E 5 supports an ergonomic office pattern that's simply lovely to take with. It's 3 inch dual axis swivel LCD covers all experiencing facets, providing some sort of 100% correct see. Not only is usually the following video camera lightweight, nevertheless it is also extremely tough. Made out of "thixomold" magnesium alloy manufacturing, that camera can withstand penalising dirt and grime, dirt together with declines with water, perfect for photography fans which need sturdier cams for any difficult to get golf swings. Not only this video camera is usually resilient, which means that is a shutter life span that's subjected to testing to help 150, 000 cycles.

The saying "what you observe is genital herpes virus treatments get" is seen while using the E 5, having its 100% legitimate excessive attention stage optical viewfinder, delivering excellent shots every time. The camera also is sold with 10 built in Art filters which allows you to create stunning effects as soon as shooting video and still golf shots; contained in which can be Take Fine art, Delicate Focus, Lighter Colors, Lightweight Tone, Grainy Motion picture, Personal identification number Pit, Diorama, Mild Sepia, Cross Approach, and Stunning Develop, providing creative mobility to boost work. The E 5 boasts a wonderful dirt drop process, the Supersonic Wave Filtering (SWF), which vibrates quietly 26, 000 circumstances per next, making sure an area free graphic. A lot of these cameras, camcorders may be programmed to produce a film like image with terrific detail associated with field brings about individual glimpse sharp and best digital camera under 300 take out with delicate, blurred qualifications. Sadly, a lot of these digital cameras get a few limitations, specifically, no way to help keep an eye on the video for a video screen and the video camera as well, along with the 12 instant per show limitation associated with continuous video (OK, that will one's not way too restraining to a dvd company).

The true problem may be the negative on board sound system. DSLR's don't have professional XLR advices or maybe a headphone jack port to monitor the audio, and there's virtually no means of defeating that AGC (which often generates increased hiss to low volume looks). The solution is to apply an independent 300 dollar electronic digital recorder, which seems like a hassle free repair. Until you fall into the editing room in your home. Since sound is usually on the minute process, it is not synchronized to your video.

Hunger Games 2013 Dec DC

Hunger Games 2013 Dec DC

Published by Alister William Macintyre

In high school, and the simulation game Civilization, I learned about early government using Bread (fill belly) and Circuses (entertainment) to keep the people happy and productive citizens. Over the centuries, our economy and entertainment have evolved.

I think energy prices are now almost as important as food prices, because people need comfortable homes transportation to jobs, and a sense of security. Access to affordable medical care, and reliable ways to save for retirement, are also critically important.

Dave paints a dark picture, of the US now on the edge of a precipice, to help us understand the science of economics, which is at the foundation of the quality of our society, and our hopes for the future. We must first achieve economic literacy, if we are to communicate effectively with political leaders, to demand constructive reform.

In high school, and the simulation game Civilization, I learned about early government using Bread (fill belly) and Circuses (entertainment) to keep the people happy and productive citizens. Over the centuries, our economy and entertainment have evolved.

I think energy prices are now almost as important as food prices, because people need comfortable homes transportation to jobs, and a sense of security. Access to affordable medical care, and reliable ways to save for retirement, are also critically important.

Dave paints a dark picture, of the US now on the edge of a precipice, to help us understand the science of economics, which is at the foundation of the quality of our society, and our hopes for the future.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Free Incredible Android Apps

Free Incredible Android Apps

As an HTC Incredible Android owner I have spent several hours using and testing hundreds of incredible Android apps in all the categories. If you are reading this article then you are most likely thinking about buying an Android for yourself, buying an Android for someone else, or already own an Android. I am here to share my research results with you or someone you know that is or soon will be an Android user like me. I am going to share with you my top 5 rated and tested free Android apps in the entertainment category. You may ask, why only 5? Well quite honestly if you have more than 5 apps from each of the different categories then you are probably wasting a lot of battery life on your cell phone.

Movies, Flixster Inc.

Movies by Flixster Inc is rated overall by users a 4.5 out of 5 and considered the number 1 app for movie reviews, trailers and showtimes. The Movies by Flixster Inc. app is an amazing movie app where you can get showtimes for the top box office movies. In addition, with this amazing top rated app you can view your local theaters and see what is showing and their show times. Best of all the Movies by Flixster Inc. Now how cool is all of that to have in one app that can show you everything you will ever need in the movie industry. I probably spend a little too much time using my Movies by Flixster Inc. app.

Backgrounds Stylem Media

Backgrounds Stylem Media is also rated overall by users a 4.5 out of 5 by users of this app. I would personally give this app 5 stars. I love to change my background on my Android on a weekly sometime a daily basis dependent upon my mood. In other words, I make my Android background fit my day. The Backgrounds Stylem Media app has over 10,000 remarkable unique designs. I guarantee you will be able to find tons of backgrounds that you would love to place on your Android. Best of all, the Backgrounds Stylem Media app adds new backgrounds daily. There are tons of background categories to choose from: funny, cute, quotes, sunsets, beaches, cars, girly, guys, games, flowers, models, love, Christmas, military, money, sports, city, scary, new years, music, movies, animals, space, etc. A additional piece of information that I want to share with you that I believe makes this app the number 1 wallpaper app for Android is the fact that you can set backgrounds on your contact icons. How cool is that?Once again rated at 4.5 of 5 stars you can get a free app for your Android in the Market that allows to know exactly what is going on with medical, law enforcement, and weather near you or anywhere in the United States and even better anywhere in the World. The scanner radio app is one of the top live scanner radios on your Android that allows you to listen to live audio from over 2,300 police, fire, and weather radios and scanners from around the world. But that is just the beginning, there are new stations being added daily to the scanner radio. You can save your favorite stations, request areas to listen to that are not yet available, get all the 10 codes so you know what the cops are talking about, and so much more. I love sitting outside on a Friday night by the fire pit and listening to the scanner radio for my local city just to see if I know anyone that is getting in trouble. This is just a fun app all around.

Soundboards (100+ Apps Available)

Do you have a favorite television series or movie that you would love to have the sound bites for to get a laugh or two and to share with your friends? Sound bites have always been known and used with Microsoft Outlook email and programs a like that take away from the monotony of incoming emails. Best of all the soundboards don't just have 5 or 6 great sound bites, but anywhere from 50 to over 100 sound bites for each soundboard. Just a few of the great soundboards available are: Austin Powers, Cartman from South Park, Borat, Joe Dirt, Napoleon Dynamite, Friday the movie, The Hangover, Stewie Griffin from The Family Guy, Full Metal Jacket, Dexter, and so many more. Just search the Android Market for your favorite movies or television shows and I bet you will find a soundboard. Sometimes, especially on Monday's, when I wake up not really feeling like doing anything I want to see how my day is going to be so I check my horoscope. If you are into horoscopes then this is the app for you. However, there are also other features this app has that no other horoscope app offers the ability to get a daily tarot reading or even ask a real live psychic a free question. The horoscope tarot app allows you to see into your future with FREE horoscopes, lovescopes, and daily tarot readings. Plus you can get instant, free advice, anytime you want it, including one question answered by a skilled, live psychic advisor. This can cost a lot of money if you go on the internet or call a psychic in your city, but not with this free Android app. What are you waiting for go download the app and see what your future has to offer.

Don't just take it from me, go check these apps out yourself and see how amazing these free incredible Android apps really are. Do what you love with your phone with style.

More content from this contributorFree Incredible Droid Apps: Health Category


The Contributor has no connection to nor was paid by the brand or product described in this content.

Published by Matthew Shively

I am a court reporter for the United States Air Force. Before this current management position I was a law instructor in the Air Force and a legal office manager. Within my organization I am a financial ad. View profile

2010 Summer Movies Overlook Moms' InterestsBlockbuster movies are one of the highlights of summer. Apple's iPhone: A Review of HTC's True iPhone KillerHTC Verizon's Droid Incredible is Incredible a People Pleaser.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Top Twitter Clients for Android Phones and Tablets in 2013

Top Twitter Clients for Android Phones and Tablets in 2013

Do you know there are more than 1 million Twitter apps in the world? Yes, it is true. No, these are not Android apps. Most of the Android clients and apps are made and also bring made for websites. Most of these are web based and browser based applications. There are also clients for PC, Mac, iOS, Symbian, Blackberry and such platforms.

Now, as an Android phone and/or tablet owner you need to have a good Twitter client app. You have searched the Play Store already and now is overwhelmed by finding out a lot of such apps. You need to know which one is the best. Don't worry folks, check this list out and read the mini reviews. It would be much easier for you to decide.

Best Android Twitter Client Apps 2014The Android apps world is expanding in a very fast rate. There can be found huge changes within one year. So, we have seen a lot of new android twitter client apps in 2014. There are updates and changes in the existing apps too. So, you must check the latest hub to know which ones are the best in 2014.

Official Twitter AppDon't be surprised, there is an official Twitter client too. Though most of you never like to use it, it is trying to be better day to day. The official app is trying to catch with the 3rd party Twitter clients. You can use all the functions of Twitter on it. You can tweet and retweet with ease. You can see the trends and follow people as you like. You can search and submit photos too. You can even sync twitter contacts with your phone.

PlumeIf you like the plain and simple twitter layout that just works then Plume is for you. You can get a vertical column by sweeping right from the feed column. There are usual search, favorites, trends and list buttons which are arranged in such a way which is easy to access. This app offers multiple twitter account support. Most important feature of Plume is that beside supporting twitter it also has the capability of showing your Facebook feed.

HootSuiteHootSuite is a social media management app. It has a popular PC version too. You can add and manage your Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin and Foursquare accounts from it. This app is known for the auto tweeting facilities. This app comes with a built in link shortener service.

HootSuit is pretty popular among the social network marketers due to its ability to manage many accounts.

CarbonYou must admit that the name "Carbon" is pretty smart for an Android app that is a twitter client. The name has some Pop culture quality. This, according to many diehard fans, is the most beautiful twitter app. The matt background of this app is really eye pleasing. When you sweep through various columns inside the app, it shows 3D animations which are cool. There are multiple account support for the people like you who have separate accounts for work and interacting with friends.

Seesmic'There are two versions of this popular client. One is free (Ad supported) and another one is priced at $3.99. The reason behind Seesmic's huge popularity is its clean and intuitive interface. There are auto complete in it. Seesmic has many features and functionalities like geo tagging, auto complete etc.

TweetDeckIt is for both twitter and facebook. If you have accounts in both this behemoth social sites then you can get updates and can update those from this app right from your shiny Android phone. What makes TweetDeck from others is its compass. It shows the location tagged tweets on a map. The app shows tweets on a column feed. Do you know that TweetDeck has a desktop client? If you have this software installed on PC then you can sync it with its Android counterpart. Thus your twitter session will be seemless from phone to PC or vice versa.

Falcon ProWhat makes Falcon Pro unique is its built in browser. Can you just imagine just helpful it is? You don't have to leave your twitter app while clicking through a link or picture or a video. Falcon Pro is also a very good looking app. According to the fans, it is even sleeker than Carbon. It has both dark and light skins. You can slide from the home screen to both left and right to get to the menu columns. So, is it the best among the lot? Nope, it does not support multiple accounts.

There are two versions of this app: the donate version (priced $1.99) and the Pro version ($0.99)

EcofonThough there is no hint of having anything with Twitter, it is also a pretty good client. Ecofon has, like Falcon Pro, both light and dark skins. Similarity does not end here. Like its more known cousin, this app also has multi platform syncing capability. Ecofon is better than Falcon Pro in one respect, it supports multiple twitter accounts.

There is an add supported free version and an add free premium version priced at $4.99.

TweetCasterTweetCaster is an old member of this community. The main forte of this app is customizability. There are multiple color schemes support to make it as you like. It seems that they have paid some money to the collage nerds who have coded this app. There is a photo filter feature in it too. But the most interesting thing is the "speak to tweet" function. It works quiet accurately.

The add free version will cost you $4.99.

Add Your FavoriteAs you know, there are numerous twitter apps in the Google Play Store. Some are nothing more than a twitter rss feed but a few are really, really good. I have tried to cover the most useful and feature reach apps available in the Store. But I know there are many more. If your favorite app is not in the list then please mention it in the comments section.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

The Barcode Scanner Android App Review

The Barcode Scanner Android App Review

Believe it or not, there really does seem to be an app for almost anything you could think of. Best of all, many Android apps are free. When I purchased the Droid 2, I read a list of the top apps available and one that caught my eye was the Barcode Scanner. I was also told about this app while looking at phones in the Verizon store. The premise behind the Barcode Scanner is that you're supposed to be able to scan a barcode and be told the prices of the item in various stores in the your area and online. In other words, it allows you make sure you're getting the best price possible. Would this app really be useful? You better believe it. When I first installed the Barcode Scanner Android app, I couldn't help but scan various items throughout the house. Some items it wasn't able to find, but others were easily found on Amazon. Because I live in such a small town and the nearest big city is 50 miles away, I didn't expect to see the prices of local stores. That doesn't mean this app is any less useful. In fact, it's helped me make the best choices and save money.

I find myself using the Barcode Scanner app quite a bit and while I often use it for small purchases, I imagine that it will save me a lot of money when it comes time to purchase larger items. For example, when it comes time to purchase a new TV, I will probably visit my local Walmart and it will be nice to compare the prices at the store to the prices online.

To use the app, you need to first make sure that you have adequate lighting for the phone to be able to recognize the barcode. You will then hit the camera button while holding the phone over the barcode. It can take a couple seconds for the camera to identify the code. The app will then give you prices and the options to do a product search, web search or visit Google Shopper, which will give you reviews of the product, local prices and other information.

The Barcode Scanner app is free and I rate it 5 out 5 stars. This Android app is simply a must have if you love shopping and want to save money. In all honestly, this app could save you a few hundred dollars on your next big purchase. Best of all, you won't have to go all over town to find that price because the app will tell you exactly where that price is.

Published by Amy Brantley

A self confirmed foodie, lover of interior design, and mother to a variety of pets, Amy has published over 3,000 articles with many top companies. She enjoys finance, crafts, and all things Kindle related. I. If you old, you laugh.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Online Games for Kids


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Thursday, May 15, 2014

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Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Android Apps That Save You Money

Android Apps That Save You Money

Mint for Android is packed with features. or Canada you can link it up to your various accounts and get a clear look at how much you have. It can track your transactions and create a budget for you. You can set up alerts so that you avoid going into the red. It is very secure thanks to the PIN protection and it can also alert you to any unusual activity on any of your accounts. Once you enter all your information online the app will sync so there's no need to go through it all again. The app is also very clear and easy to use. You'll be able to see where your money is going with a categorized budget that reveals the truth about how much you are spending on clothes or eating out each month. The app also allows you to set up bill reminders and it will even inform you if you are paying over the average for car insurance.

Being aware of how much money you have in each of your accounts is undeniably handy and the alerts can really help you to avoid bank charges and remember to pay all of your bills. You do have to enter a lot of information to get started, but once you have the service set up you are sure to find it useful.

DealLeak There has been a bit of an explosion in terms of deal apps in recent months and so keeping track of the best deals could mean using multiple apps. DealLeak is a simple aggregator that feeds in deals from other sources like Groupon, Living Social and many, many more. The app allows you to search locally and identify the best discounts and offers for you. It gets updated frequently with all sorts of deals on restaurants, hotels, all kinds of stores and entertainment venues.

It may not be the best looking app in the world, but it is quick and easy to use. The deals are divided by category and there's plenty of information on offer. To avoid disappointment make sure you filter by active deals only because expired deals are listed too.

ShopSavvy Barcode Scanner The basic idea behind ShopSavvy is that you can scan the barcode of a product you are interested in using your Android smartphone and the app will show you the best prices available locally and online. If you enter credit card information you can even go ahead and order the item from a retailer like Walmart or Target. If you'd rather find the item in a local store the app will provide you with directions.

There are a few apps that offer this kind of functionality, including one from Amazon, but ShopSavvy was one of the first and it does the job nicely. It also aggregates deals from various sources instead of being tied to a single retailer. Why pay more than you have to? It's always worth checking the barcode with ShopSavvy before you buy. or Canada then GasBuddy is definitely the app for you. If you fire up the app you'll be able to see a list or map displaying the cheapest gas prices nearby. You can get directions to gas stations and you can even plan where to make gas stops on trips.

The app relies on user submitted content and if you upload gas prices you earn points that give you a chance of winning a gas gift card, which is a great incentive for people to keep the app up to date. You can also compile a list of your favorite gas stations and filter the results by those entries to decide where to stop on your daily commute. It is very clearly laid out, easy to use and completely free.

The Coupons App The last app on our list combines some of the features you'll find in other apps with a focus on great coupon deals. The app is updated regularly throughout the day and you can search for all sorts of useful coupons it even supports voice search. If you find a coupon you like, you can display it on your phone to the cashier in order to redeem it (some coupons do have to be printed out so make sure you check). You can also easily share your coupons with others via social networks like Twitter and Facebook.

The Coupons App includes a barcode scanner for price comparisons. There's also a handy widget that displays the best deals right on your home screen. In addition to a wide range of stores and restaurants it also covers gas prices. It's very easy to use and it can definitely save you money.

If there are any other money saving apps for Android that you would recommend then post a comment and let us know.

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Monday, May 12, 2014

What You Might Have Overlooked About This Smart Phone

What You Might Have Overlooked About This Smart Phone

There are lots of outstanding, smart phones getting into the industry every day. Many of these have become encouraging, worthy of an additional look. Some have popularized themselves among their customers, and are being praised around the forums, and they are increasing rapidly in user acclaim. Among those that appear promising, is the Nexus one. This little device is the creation of HTC, inventor of some of the best phones in the industry. And what helps to make the Nexus One so great as to increase the quantity of people buying the phone so rapidly is the incredible amount of hardware packed into this tiny little package. The phone features a massive 3.7 inch touchscreen display, one of the largest that happens to be very responsive and simple to use thanks to the incredibly quick Snapdragon processor it harbors. The memory capacity is a 4gb standard but this may be easily supplemented to an additional 16gb by purchasing a micro SD card. The cam is great with 5 megapixels, capable of taking stunning images and pretty decent video at the same time. The battery life is pretty hefty offering somewhere inside the ballpark of 420 minutes of talk time and 250 hours of standby time. The Android OS makes navigating around the phone fantastic especially on the internet and the increasing volume of Android apps available will make your phone an incredibly powerful tool if you're seeking to have your phone do a number of such things like GPS, help you stay connected to friends on Facebook, or Twitter, instantly compare costs online by scanning a bar code over a book, regardless of what you do your options are pretty impressive. The Google Android Nexus One boasts a great ability that lets users convert voice to text which works almost flawlessly.

On the other side of the coin, the main drawback to the Nexus One smart phone might be a tad too sensitive and might turn at the most inopportune moments easily since it turns on despite with an accidental pressing of a button. The phone also offers some serious reception issues with regards to its 3G use as users have complained they have had plenty of trouble utilizing their 3G connections because of a weak signal. The big screen isn't protected and gets smudged easily requiring users to clean it constantly

To summarize, the Google android Nexus One is a good phone with lots of superior features. Should you be interested in finding a smartphone in the near future, it could be worthwhile to have a closer look at it, possibly even giving it a try. Tons of happy users including myself have to agree this phone is worth the trouble.

How to Set Up Your New Android Smartphone or Tablet

How to Set Up Your New Android Smartphone or Tablet

There are thousands of Android apps to download and play with. Here are a few suggestions to get you started with your new Android smartphone or tablet.

I posted 9 Essential Apps for New Android Users and Top 5 Business Apps for Almost All Smartphones two years ago, but some of these apps are no longer available or may be replaced by better alternatives. Of the ones I still use, I recommend Evernote for note taking, Documents to Go for editing Microsoft Office files, Skype for free video calling and instant messaging, Wifi Analyzer to help you improve your wireless network, and PdaNet for tethering.

I also think you should install avast! for antivirus/complete mobile security (free and highly rated by AV Test, GasBuddy (because we all could stand to save on gas), and Camera ZOOM FX (probably the best camera app for Android).

If you use your phone or tablet to catch up on news and websites, Google Reader, Zite, and Pocket are awesome.

You'll find all of these apps and a whole lot more in the Google Play app (formerly known as Google Market). Pro tip: You can remotely install apps to your phone or device from your laptop or desktop computer from the Google Play website.

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Friday, May 9, 2014

How To Find The Best Digicam

How To Find The Best Digicam

It seems that every month, if not every week, different manufacturers are coming up with the latest digital cameras to entice potential clients. And it's just not working for us! After spending sizeable amount of time at the mall figuring out which is the best digital camera for us, we finally have enough money to buy for that eye popping, 7 mega pixel, 10x digital zoom, potable, candy colored, up to 512MB expandable memory of super hi speed SD memory card and not to mention very portable, (that will be the envy of almost everyone we know). We march to the mall armed with our life savings and lotsa pride in ourselves, when we pass by a new display an eight mega pixel, up to 1G expandable memory, with built it mic and stereo surround, video playback capable, with 22 scenic modes kind of camera. And we sigh because the producer of this amazing gadget claims that this is the best digital camera yet out in the market. And so as we always want to have the best, armed with our life savings and a few credit cards, we buy the "best digital camera." But then again, that doesn't last too long, after two months or so, there's another "best digital camera."And so it confuses us. One of the most important features of digital camera to make it into the best digital camera category is its mega pixel property. The higher the mega pixels the better the actual photograph will come out. A mega pixel is equivalent to one million pixels. The resolution of your image is based upon the mega pixel property of your camera. The best digital camera will always have a large LCD to help you frame your subject without having to squint to the viewfinder. This is also helpful when reviewing your images, some cameras enable touch up and editing features with its LCD. Most digital cameras have both digital and optical zoom. A higher optical zoom is always better than a higher digital zoom. Digital cameras are usually furnished with optical of between 3x to 10x. Always make sure that your memory card is the right one for your digital camera. There are different types of memory card like the xD, SD, Flash card and the likes. And these types of memory cards go with certain types of digital cameras. of course memory storage is also up there in choosing the best digital cameras. Choose the size of memory that you need, if you're a photo junkie, you might need more than 32MB. Don't just buy the latest or the one that claims they are the best digital cameras out in the market. You wouldn't want to buy a DSLR and use it with your home activities or family outing and have to lug it around?! Or you don't want to buy the latest point and shoot camera when you're serious about being a professional photographer. (Of course, you can use this for starters, but if you're not a novice photographer anymore, you wouldn't want to get this kind of camera.)Actually, the best digital camera is the one that you will enjoy and use. Not the type that you'll just leave rotting in its box or after a few weeks of usage or so, up there in the attic.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Photo Software For Digital Camera

Photo Software For Digital Camera

So you own the best digital camera? That is good news. However, did it come with ineffective photo software? Most cameras do. In order to ensure that you take your digital photography to the next level you should seriously think about photo software that makes it very easy to do photo editing, printing, organizing and emailing.

As an example, you may face many challenges after you have snapped a few photos. I think the most troublesome of them all is the red eye. Most photo software comes with a red eye elimination or reduction method. The red eye reduction method should ensure that the eyes are left looking lifelike by not eliminating the pupil reflection. Using the red eye reduction should be easy. The most easy and useful photo software that I have come across is Photolightning. There are others like Adobe and Acdsystems which are also good.

1) Photo Editing: The ability to fix red eye, lighten dark photos, apply special effects to your photos and resize, modify, crop them. This may also include the ability to adjust brightness, saturation etc. and automatically/semi automatically enhance the picture quality.

2) Email photos: The ability to automatically reduce photos (in size) for faster emailing and then attach them to an email, or better yet, embed the photos directly into the body of an email.

3) Photo printing: Easily print photos in standard sizes on single sheets of photo paper or on "micro perf" templates for placement in picture frames. The software should also provide for a way to print entire album pages and index prints.

4) Batch Processing: Easily resize, rename, add captions/watermarks, change format, and change timestamp. This is a time saving feature that every photo software product should have nowadays.

5) The photo album or organizer: This feature lets you organize your photos by date, keyword, or rating and add captions. A good photo organizer makes it easy for you to quickly find your photos.

6) Backup photos to CD: Burning photos to CD so that you can share them with friends or make backup copies is a very useful feature. It is even better if the photo software remembers which photos have been backed up so that you do not waste space/time backing up photos you have already archived.

7) Create Slideshows: This is an optional feature but very useful indeed. A great feature is the ability to email a slideshow that you have created to friends and family or post it to a website.

8) A photo uploader: This is another optional feature that can be very useful by allowing you to upload your photos to your favorite online photo printer.

Many of these features are common to many photo software products, but ultimately it is ease of use for your favorite features that is most important. Remember that each and every software package has its positives and negatives so you should look for the proper blend of ease of use and the functionality you require.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Last Day of Work Launches Virtual Families Game for PC and Mac

Last Day of Work Launches Virtual Families Game for PC and Mac

SAN FRANCISCO San Francisco (s fr city (1990 pop. 723,959), coextensive with San Francisco co., W Calif., on the tip of a peninsula between the Pacific Ocean and San Francisco Bay, which are connected by the strait known as the Golden , April 22 /PRNewswire/ Last Day of Work (LDW LDW Loss Damage Waiver (insurance)

LDW Lane Departure Warning (Infiniti cars)

of their latest virtual life simulation game Life simulator games, or life simulators, are simulation games in which the player lives or controls one or more artificial lives.

A life simulation game may focus on the biological or social aspects of life: , Virtual Families. In the

game, players adopt a character who then begins a life: choosing if they

want to marry, deciding whether to have children, furthering their

career, all with the help and guidance of the player. Virtual Families

focuses on the true aspects that make a family unique, from the highest

of highs to the lowest of lows, displaying life in all its drama andIn the same vein as the past hit LDW series, Virtual Villagers,

Monday, May 5, 2014

Racing Simulator Games

Racing Simulator Games

Driving simulator video games feature realistic car physics and require accurate driving skills to play properly. Unlike arcade racing games, you cannot.

Car Racing PC Games

Car Racing PC Games. Car racing games are among the most popular choices for gamers, and most of the same racing games.

Driving Simulator Games

Driving simulator video games seek to recreate the experience of really driving a car. They can feature realistic physics and handling, and.

How to Learn to Drive With Online Games

Learn to drive with online games and test your skills on the road before you take your real road test. Driving is.

How to Download Free Race Games

There are a wide variety of racing games available on gaming systems and online. If you are looking to try out some.

How to Create a Car Simulator

A high tech car simulator can give you the feeling of being behind a Formula 1 racer, an exotic supercar, or a luxury.

Motorcycle Racing Games

Motorcycle Racing Games. The motorcycle has fewer racing simulations available for it compared to the automobile, but there are some good ones,.

Flight Simulation Games

Flight simulation games allow players the opportunity to take to the skies. These simulations mimic the actual experience of flying an aircraft,.

The Best Street Racing Games Online

The Best Street Racing Games Online. Online racing games are popular among many racing fans and online gamers. Online racing games include.

Fun Car Games for Kids

Before children receive their learner permit, they can experience what it is like behind the wheel of a car by playing a.

PC Games as Most Fun Entertainment Activity for Second Straight Year

PC Games as Most Fun Entertainment Activity for Second Straight Year

households shows that when it comes to fun, you just can't beat video and PC games.

For the second year running, Americans selected interactive games as their favorite form of entertainment. Almost twice as many people identified PC and video games See video game console. as being more fun than watching television (34% vs. 18%), and more than double the number said it was more fun than going out to the movies (34% vs. 16%). Surfing the Internet and reading books rounded out the top five most fun entertainment activities.

The results of the fourth annual survey of video and PC game industry trends were released by the Interactive Digital Software Association (IDSA IDSA Infectious Diseases Society of America

IDSA Industrial Designers Society of America

IDSA Interactive Digital Software Association

IDSA Institute for Defense Studies and Analyses (India)

IDSA International Dark Sky Association ) Thursday at the Electronic Entertainment Exposition (E3) the world's leading showcase for interactive entertainment content. The show is taking place at the Los Angeles Convention Center The Los Angeles Convention Center (abbreviated LACC) is a convention center in downtown Los Angeles. The LACC hosts annual events such as the Greater Los Angeles Auto Show, and was best known to video games fans as host to E3 until its cessation in 2006. .

"The fact that Americans consistently rank interactive games as the No. video and PC game industry. According to according to1.

2. In keeping with: according to instructions.

3. the survey, there is every reason to believe that trend will continue.

"We asked the most frequent users of video and PC games which form of entertainment they thought would be the most popular 10 years from now," said Lowenstein. "Interactive games placed second only to the Internet (26% vs. 30%), followed by DVD/VCRs and television (22% and 16%). The future for electronic entertainment is bright, and the creative frontiers are limitless."

Nearly half (48%) of frequent video and PC game players also say interactive entertainment offers the best entertainment value, far outpacing the next most common selection: reading books (22%). Surfing the Internet and renting movies both placed a distant third, with just over one out of 10 saying they provided the best entertainment value. Only a handful of respondents identified "going out to the movies" and "watching television" as top value for entertainment (9% and less than 1%, respectively).

The nearly 2,000 titles being unveiled at this year's E3 ensures that there will be plenty of entertainment value to go around in the coming months. But just who will be using all these games? In short, just about everyone.

There were almost two interactive games sold for every household in America last year, or about 200 million units. And, according to the survey findings released Thursday, the majority of those playing video and PC games most often are adults. Fifty four percent of those most frequently playing console games This article is about games played on consoles. Video gaming is about this form of gaming in general.

A console game is a form of interactive multimedia used for entertainment. and almost seven out of 10 (69%) of frequent PC gamers PC Gamer is a magazine founded in 1993 devoted to PC gaming and published monthly by Future Publishing. The magazine features news on developments in the video game industry, previews of new games, and reviews of the latest popular PC games, along with other features are age 18 or older. In addition, the survey showed nearly all PC games (97%) and nine out of 10 video games (89%) are purchased by adults, consistent with findings in previous years.

The genres of interactive games available are as diverse as those who play them. According to the survey, the type of PC games Americans are most likely to purchase in the next 12 months in order of most popular selections are: 1) Puzzle/Board/Card and Learning games; 2) Action games; 3) Strategy, Driving/Racing and Adventure/Role Play games; 4) Sports; 5) Simulation games A simulation game, or sim game, (also known as a game of status or mixed game) is a game that contains a mixture of skill, chance, and strategy to simulate an aspect of reality, such as a stock exchange. and Children's Story; 6) Creativity games. As for console software games, the popularity order is: 1) Action games; 2) Puzzle/Board/Card and Driving/Racing games; 3) Adventure/Role Play games; 4) Sports; 5) Strategy games; 6) Learning games; 7) Children's Story; 8) Creativity games.

Perhaps one of the most revealing findings about Thursday's frequent video and PC game players is that more of them are women. According to the survey, about two thirds (35%) of console gamers and more than two fifths (43%) of PC gamers are women, a slight increase over last year.

While the third consecutive year of double digit Noun 1. double digit a two digit integer; from 10 to 99

integer, whole number any of the natural numbers (positive or negative) or zero; "an integer is a number that is not a fraction" growth for the industry continues to fuel excitement and reinforce the economic strength of the $5.5 billion interactive entertainment business, one underlying threat gives cause for great concern: piracy. Despite aggressive anti piracy efforts, last year the interactive entertainment industry lost more than $3.2 billion to pirates, not including the millions of dollars lost to Internet piracy. And even more alarming, according to Lowenstein, is the belief among many gamers that piracy is literally "no big deal."

"Our survey revealed some disturbing news in regard to piracy," said Lowenstein. "Twenty percent of PC gamers and one quarter of console users agreed with the statement that buying counterfeit To falsify, deceive, or defraud. A copy or imitation of something that is intended to be taken as authentic and genuine in order to deceive another. The omnibus omnibus: see bus. annual survey was conducted by the Custom Research Division of the NPD Group The NPD Group, Inc. is a leading global market research company[1] founded in 1967 and provides consumer and retail information to manufacturers and retailers. Using actual sales data from retailers and distributors as well as consumer reported purchasing behavior, NPD for the IDSA. The study is the most in depth and targeted survey of its kind, gathering data from more than 1,637 nationally representative households that have been identified as owning either or both a video game console A specialized desktop computer used to play video games. The three most popular game consoles are Sony's PlayStation 3 (PS3), Nintendo's GameCube and Microsoft's Xbox. Game software is available on CDs or DVDs, although earlier game machines used cartridges containing read only memory or a personal computer used to run entertainment software. association exclusively dedicated to serving the business and public affairs Those public information, command information, and community relations activities directed toward both the external and internal publics with interest in the Department of Defense. Also called PA. See also command information; community relations; public information. needs of companies that publish video and computer games for video game consoles This is a list of video game consoles by the era they appeared in. Eras are named based on the dominant console type of the era (even though not all consoles of those eras are of the same type). Some eras are referred to based on how many bits a major console could process. , personal computers and the Internet. IDSA members collectively account for more than 85% of the $6.3 billion in entertainment software revenues generated in the United States United States, officially United States of America, republic (2005 est. pop. 295,734,000), 3,539,227 sq mi (9,166,598 sq km), North America. The United States is the world's third largest country in population and the fourth largest country in area. in 1998, and billions more in export sales of American made entertainment software. The IDSA offers services to entertainment software publishers including a global anti piracy program, owning the Electronic Entertainment Expo trade show, business and consumer research, government relations and First Amendment and intellectual property protection efforts.